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Hoe scoort Europa op transformatie?

Slagen Europese landen erin om de 2030 doelstellingen, essentieel voor het toekomstige succes van Europa, te halen? Onze European Transformation Scorecard volgt 13 Europese landen op hun transformatietraject in 12 sectoren. Lees meer (Engels)

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Small caps ready for a comeback

The magic of some mega cap stocks and the headwind of rising interest rates have had quite an impact on small caps since 2022. But the wind is slowly beginning to shift.

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Rising ESG bond volumes offer opportunities

Sustainable bonds have become an integral part of the global investment universe. In addition to the chance to diversify they might also offer investors the opportunity to outperform.

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Female Finance: the benefits of diversity

How and why we still need to do more to get more women into finance, encourage more women to invest and improve education about gender, diversity and finance.

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Cryptocurrencies: the portfolio perspective

As a relatively young asset class, cryptocurrencies, in our view, could be a valuable portfolio addition in an uncertain (rather than just a risky) world.

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Electrification: The Innovator's Dilemma

Current plans for utilizing renewable energy as the most cost-effective solution to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions look set to shake up many established business models.

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India: Delivering on many promises

India’s structural strengths – demography and democracy – are well known. Business-friendly politics, a thriving service sector and geopolitics add to the positive picture.

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Circular Economy: Squaring the circle

How moving towards a carbon-neutral and ecologically sustainable circular economy is not only natural but can also be profitable.

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Bonds – strong year ahead

After a historically long dry spell, 2024 could become a good year for bonds. A resurgence of inflation remains a risk, but the high carry provides some security cushion – especially for corporate bonds.

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Quality: A guide for stock pickers

In theory, quality investing makes a lot of sense in an uncertain world. In practice, it takes a great deal of skill and effort.

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Asia Pacific: regional diversification

With its diverse strengths, Asia remains a global growth driver in our view. It is worth taking a look at the entire region, not least as a potential counterweight to the dominance of U.S. equities.

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Real estate – time to enter?

Higher yields have proven to be a formidable headwind for both residential and commercial properties, but fundamentals have generally been stalwart.

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Investing in the age of Artificial Intelligence

How (not) to identify the long-term beneficiaries of artificial intelligence (AI) and other types of disruptive technologies.

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