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Why Now For Fixed Income (Dutch language)

12/09/2024 Michael Vakalopoulos

With central banks poised to begin, or continue, cutting rates, the time is potentially right to move into fixed income. We believe the first step to lock-in today’s attractive bond yields could be moving into a high-quality, active bond strategy.

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Cuts and Consequences

12/09/2024, Marc Seidner, Pramol Dhawan

Balanced risks to inflation and employment indicate it’s time for the Fed to normalize interest rates, enhancing a positive backdrop for bonds.

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Yield Advantage

04/06/2024 Richard Clarida, Andrew Balls, Daniel J. Ivascyn

The post-pandemic inflation shock and rate-hiking cycle produced a generational reset higher in bond yields, creating a compelling multiyear outlook for fixed income as inflation recedes and risks build in other markets.

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Key Takeaways From PIMCO’s Sustainable Investing Report 2023

23/05/2024 PIMCO

PIMCO’s Sustainable Investing Report provides our latest thinking on sustainability. Here, we highlight the report’s key takeaways on engagement, energy transition and carbon analytics.

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Kansen in Europese Datacentra

Alternatieven Ontgrendelen

Ontdek waarom Europese datacenters een van onze sterkste overtuigingen is binnen de vastgoedmarkten van vandaag.

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